Dining table = studio extension
Dining table = studio extension
Made mock-ups
Made mock-ups
Will the books fit?
Will the books fit?
Unused cyanotypes
Unused cyanotypes
DIY vaccine visa
DIY vaccine visa
Contact sheet of scans
Contact sheet of scans
The original  passports
The original passports

Studio Notes

I use self-guided questions when I develop my works that include extensive research.


I found photos, documents and letters to match the dates when my mother's passports were issued then cancelled. It was a structure suitable for a timeline. I curated the collection for the ones that would enhance the narrative of her life.

There were milestones that I highlighted with selective layering and book structures.

At times, I felt like an archeologist diving into an ocean of memories, stories, letters and photographs, holding my breath and wondering what I would find.

Sometimes, I swam up for air in tears.


  • during the pandemic, a genealogy hunt through memorabilia
  • Elena at age 18 through 70 in black & white passport and ID photos
  • finding a nuanced and personal story while examining texts and dates in the passports
    • Notion of identity: colonialism? citizenship? nationalism?
    • Identities: daughter, mother, wife, lover, alcoholic
    • The personal story of a female traveler through several decades



  • nostalgia and musings on different situations: Elena's, Angela's
  • of a time and place: 1930’s through 1990’s
  • recalled narratives using Elena's own words and letters
  • expressive, poignant, frustrating, angry, sad, resignation, acceptance



  • structures for mysteries and questions
  • reveal/conceal
  • zoom in for details
  • overlay texts and images

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